Data Deletion Policy

Data Deletion Policy

At Letter Order, your privacy and control over your data is paramount to us. We are deeply committed to ensuring our users understand and can exercise their rights related to the data they share with us. Below is our data deletion policy which outlines how you can request the removal of your data from our platform.

1. Overview

Your trust means everything to us, and we have designed our data deletion process to be transparent, user-friendly, and respectful of your rights.

2. Data You Can Delete

You have the right to request the deletion of:

  • Your personal account information
  • Custom resources and exercises you’ve uploaded
  • Message history with interventionists
  • Activity records and progress tracking
  • Any other personal data stored on our platform

3. How to Request Data Deletion

Delete Your Account from Within the App:

  • Log into your Letter Order account.
  • Navigate to 'Profile'.
  • Click on the 'Delete Account' button. By doing this, your account will be permanently deleted.

For Data Deletion:

If you wish to keep your account but remove specific data or have all your data purged from our platform, send an email to with the subject line "Data Deletion Request". Please include your registered email address in the message so we can promptly assist you.

4. Processing Time

Once we receive your request, we will confirm it within 48 hours. The deletion process may take up to 30 days, after which all your personal data will be permanently removed from our servers. Please note, some anonymized or aggregated data which does not identify you personally may remain for analytics or other business-related purposes.

5. Post-Deletion

After the deletion process is completed:

You won’t be able to recover any of your data. If you wish to use Letter Order again in the future, you would need to create a new account.

6. Our Commitment

Letter Order is dedicated to ensuring the privacy and safety of our users. We will always handle your data with the utmost respect and in compliance with all relevant data protection regulations.

If you have any questions or concerns about this policy or your data, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. We’re here to help!

Thank you for being a part of the Letter Order community, where we strive to empower dyslexic individuals and their families to succeed.